sex espionage
It was the USSR that established one of the most sophisticated
special services in the world, which trained female spies
to seduce men. There has been a book put out recently about
sex spying. A girl named Vera narrated the story about KGB
and how they recruited pretty girls, promising them that they
would have all kinds of welfare imaginable, if they would
agree to fulfil their civil duty and become sex agents. They
were trying to deliver them from any shyness or shame, teaching
them sex techniques, showing perverted pornographic videos.
Girls were supposed to be able to execute any task. A lesbian
orgy was one of practical classes, teachers would join that
orgy too, the whole event was filmed and then the tape was
discussed in detail by the whole group of participants.
"We were told that we were soldiers and that our
weapon was our bodies. When the training was finished,
we became sexually sophisticated women, we were ready to sleep
with any man, if there was such an order for that," Vera
The objects of sexual attack were examined thoroughly
beforehand, it was requisite to learn their sexual preferences,
in order not to miss anyone. The first contact with an object
was supposed to be totally incidental, but it was all over
with blackmail: they explained to a guy that he had no other
way out, but to cooperate with the Soviet intelligence.
surprised happened sometimes too, like it was with the notorious
case for seducing Indonesian President Ahmed Sukarno. He was
known for his sexual passion. That is why KGB sent a group
of young girls to him during his visit to Moscow. Those girls
got acquainted with Ahmed Sukarno in a plane, under the disguise
of air hostesses, then he invited them to his hotel room in
Moscow and arranged a grand orgy. The orgy was filmed by two
candid cameras that were fixed behind mirrors. It seemed that
the operation was just perfect. Before starting the blackmail,
KGB invited Sukarno in a small private movie theatre and showed
him the pornographic video, in which he was playing the main
part. KGB agents were expecting him to get really frightened,
that he would agree to cooperate with them at once, but everything
happened vice versa: Sukarno fondly decided that it was a
gift from the Soviet government, so he asked for more copies
to take them back to Indonesia and show them in movie theatres.
Sukarno said to flabbergasted agents that the people of Indonesia
would be very proud of him, if they could see him doing the
nasty with Russian girls.
But it was not only KGB mastering sex espionage. The
Irish used pretty girls for distracting soldiers' attention
at their posts or near police stations during army operations.
The British were not sitting on their hands too, they set
up a sex squad in return. The intelligence opened two brothels
in Belfast for blackmailing the leaders of local political
movements and for obtaining intelligence information. Those
brothels were packed with best prostitutes from all over Europe
- they executed the tasks of the English intelligence for
very good money.
East-German intelligence progressed in the field of sex spying
as well. They developed a plan for seducing lonely secretaries
that worked in important state institutions of West Berlin.
The first contact was supposed to happen on a bus stop, in
a cafe, or during a lunch break. A guy would start making
a conversation, and then there was a game of seduction. For
example, a handsome, well-dressed man with a bouquet of flowers
rings a bell of a lonely woman, and then he pretends that
he knocked on a wrong door. He gallantly apologizes, gives
her flowers, and the affair starts. The problem with lonely
secretaries that worked in secret institutions of West Berlin
was so serious that NATO authorities ordered to hang posters
on the walls of their offices, telling them to keep their
hearts closed.
Elizabeth Bentley was a beautiful American woman active
as a spy for the Soviets in the 1940s. She was recruited and
fell in love with her controller, Jacob Golos, who held her
to the cause by frequent sex. She was able to seduce at least
eighty American officials (mostly Army intelligence officers)
to capture valuable "pillow talk" for the Soviets.
Golos also ran several other agents in the U.S. about the
same time. The Golos network came down when she fell in love
with an FBI agent.
Lizi Friedman was another beautiful Russian spy (a
Jewish woman from Austria) active in the WW II period. She
apparently specialized in turning MI6 and American agents
with her exciting lovemaking in the snow.
Maria Knuth was a German cabaret dancer recruited
by the Soviets for her beauty and abilities with sexual favors
to attract British and American officials in the post WWII
period. She was primarily used for counterintelligence purposes.
Larissa Dubanova was the Russian's most beautiful
secret agent. Active during the 1950s, she was used when Russian
intelligence would indicated one or more officers of the other
side considered himself a "stud" with women. The
KGB would then arrange to put Larissa somewhere within close
distance of the "stud" where they could engage in
sexy dialogue (she spoke perfect English and was a ballet
dancer in the Bolshoi Theater). After a few sexual escapades,
she would tell the stud that she was pregnant, and then the
KGB would arrange a fake secret marriage, which was often
against the law, and therefore provided a blackmail lever
on the "stud".
Galya (last name is not known) was a Russian agent
who specialized in becoming the maid for diplomats and ambassadors
in embassies. The KGB would find out which officials had a
taste for beautiful women, and then plant her in the job position,
where she used sexy French maid clothing to entice the officials
into workplace affairs. She then lured them into hotel rooms
which were wired with videocameras. Galya was originally an
attractive Russian prostitute recruited by the KGB (Normally,
female spies are not recruited from the ranks of criminals).
Sonia (aka Ursula Beurton) was born in Germany as
Ursula Kucynski and operated as a Soviet spy in Switzerland
during a long espionage career spanning the 1940s and 1950s.
Her English husband was also a Soviet spy. The Russians require
espionage activity from both partners in their married spies.
She seduced and recruited several British officials for the
highly successful "Lucy" spy ring. Sonia was eventually
brought down via an affair with another Soviet spy, a practice
strongly prohibited in the spy world (sex is only allowed
with the enemy).

SVR offices in Moscow. |

Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) was the first element of
the KGB to establish a separate identity in October 1991, incorporating
most of the foreign operations, intelligence-gathering and intelligence
analysis activities of the KGB First Chief Directorate.
Russias internal chaos, corruption at the highest
level, and large stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction
made it a natural target for all larger special services.
As the most powerful among the Western allies and, together
with the UK, the most unyielding on security issues, the USA
remained the main opponent of the SVR. The cooperation between
the CIA and the SVR was practically zero, announced the SVR
spokesman at the beginning of 1997.
After almost nine economically and politically lean
years under Boris Yel'tsin, Putin will attempt to make Russia
more prosperous, efficient and better organised. Putins
Russia will be stronger and more assertive on the international
arena. Putin will use the SVR because the other Russian institutions
dealing with foreign affairs have been weakened, and because
the SVR is still in the first league of world intelligence
services. As an ex-intelligence officer Putin knows how the
service works and what it can deliver.
Trimmed and reduced, the SVR will nevertheless have
many advantages not available to its predecessors. The Russian
communities in the industrialised democratic countries have
grown enormously. Many of them legally acquired citizenship
of their countries of residence, giving them access to the
EU and many other countries. Many others acquired permanent
residence permits either through investments in the countries
in which they reside temporarily or through faked marriages.
This network of new Russians can be explored by the SVR and
the GRU, because much of what they have has been stolen and
they can be blackmailed.
The interest displayed by the Russian special services
in wealthy Russians abroad has been demonstrated. Lieutenant-General
Vladimir Tsekhanov, the head of the FSB Economic Counterintelligence
Directorate, who said at the end of 1995 that Russians owned
more than 200 houses in France, most of which are in Paris
or its surroundings. This kind of information could only have
been collected either with the cooperation of the French DST
or some very effective footwork of the local SVR residency.
Human intelligence has historically been Russias
strong point. Its main advantage in Russias present
economic situation is that it is cheap. A slow dilution of
national identities and a lack of knowledge of history in
EU countries among their younger citizens, which has not been
replaced by European patriotism or European allegiance, have
removed many psychological and other barriers but have also
made European security and defence a remote issue to an average
European countries are paying the price for not investing
in their defence and security by having to rely on the USA
to solve even European problems. Part of this price is bruised
egos in European capitals when Washington treats them like
junior and not always mature partners. This will bring a new
dimension to two old recruitment principles, "money"
and "ego", institutionalised "anti-Americaninsm"
hiding behind seemingly noble attempts to balance the unipolarism
of the military and security world. The Russians tried to
split NATO during the Cold War period. They might find some
of their old skills useful.
Lieutenant-General Vadim Kirpichenko listed in October
1993 reasons why some people are willing to work with the
SVR. The main reason is money, then come dissatisfaction with
superiors, seeking a special status in the mysterious world
of espionage and warm feelings towards Russia.

SVR, Yasenevo 11 Kolpachny
Moscow, Russia, 0101000
Moscow phone number: (095) 923 62 13
SVR Official Web Site (in Russian):
FSB Official Website (in Russian):
Other links: Russian
Collectables & Gifts, Soviet
Era Collectables, Museum
of Russian Military Uniform,
Red Files.